wheel of creativity

walk softly and feel the connection

Seven years ago, I participated in my first Sweat Lodge on a secluded piece of fertile land in Provence. Part of the ritual was to gather small offerings from Nature for the altar at the entrance of the lodge. As I took my first steps out into the vibrant green jungle around the lodge, I realized that I could not take one step without crushing something beneath my foot. I was deeply humbled.

walk softly and take a deep breath

I have been aware lately that I have been more nervous that usual, more anxious, more tense. I am aware that the disruption, destabilization and disasters around our world are disturbing me. What can I do? As individuals we may feel powerless, but we are not. Just as other people offer us the opportunity to look at and amend things in ourselves that hold us back, so the world today is offering us this as a species.

Five Top Reasons Not to Be Creative… and Their Antidotes

We all have good reasons to ignore our creative longings. We invest ourselves in the day-to-day demands of our lives and complain powerlessly about the status quo. So we live with our dreams still sleeping and our visions unrealized. But our reasons have antidotes.

12 Weeks to Reinvent Your Life… from the Inside Out

In just two weeks, I will begin a new coaching group based on the principles of The Wheel of Creativity. The first Wheel of Creativity Creative Process Group of 2011 will take place in Nice, France, Wednesday nights, March 16-June 15, 2011. There are a limited number of spaces for this group. For a free consultation to learn more, contact: katherine@katherinerobertson.com.

Making Creative Choices… Collaborating with Life

Every moment in life is rich with possibility, especially the moments we see as “getting there.” When we are willing to be surprised, willing to be touched, willing to engage, we open the door for Life to come in. Life is always in the street with presents, and it’s looking for collaborators. How we respond is our choice, and that choice can be creative. What gifts have you found in the street today? How are you responding?

The Freedom to Create

“The most important work is theoretical, to have ideas. The rest is trial and error.” Ferran Adrià recognizes that in order to keep your creative edge, you have to be free. You have to upset the status quo.